BRC History: Past District Governors

BRC History: Past District Governors

Boulder Rotary has historically taken an important role in Rotary District 5450. Originally it included clubs in New Mexico, Wyoming, and Nebraska as well as Colorado. Eight distinguished Boulder Rotarians have served as District Governors. Three of them are here...
BRC History: Club Historians Part 2

BRC History: Club Historians Part 2

Although others helped out at times, the primary historians of Rotary’s second 50 years were three longtime and distinguished members: Laurie Paddock, Bob Bradfield, and Ted Manning. Laurie Paddock was the third generation of his family to lead the Daily Camera and...
BRC History: Meeting Places Part 2

BRC History: Meeting Places Part 2

During the 1960s and 1970s, the club was continually plagued by the lack of a permanent and adequate meeting place. Most often, members met in a large dining room at the Harvest House Hotel, now the Millennium Hotel on 28th Street, but frequently had to give up that...
BRC History: Banners and Make Ups

BRC History: Banners and Make Ups

In Rotary’s earlier days it was customary to keep close track of attendance. Many Rotarians achieved lengthy records – years! – of perfect attendance. If you weren’t able to attend your regular club meeting, you could visit another club anywhere in the world and get a...
BRC History: Kids Christmas Parties

BRC History: Kids Christmas Parties

In the 1990s, in addition to holiday festivities for the grownups, Boulder Rotary also held Christmas parties for the children and grandchildren of club members. The RiB reported in 1991, “Despite the fact that Boulder schools were not yet out for the vacation, there...