Nine Mile Corner Monument Working Group
Working to preserve the Road of Remembrance Gateway Monument at Nine Mile CornerOver 90 years ago, a coalition of Boulder business and civic groups came together to create a monument honoring the men and women who served the United States during World War I. Built on the west side of the current intersection of US 287 and Arapaho Road (CO 7), the Monument’s two pillars were intended to serve as a gateway to Boulder from Denver and the eastern plains, long before the Boulder Turnpike (US 36) was built. Plans called for Arapaho Road to be turned into a tree-lined “Road of Remembrance” from the Monument to the Boulder city limits, nine miles to the west.

In the succeeding decades, the plan for the Road of Remembrance evaporated, but the Monument’s pillars remained as a Boulder County landmark. Over time, however, development of the surrounding area and impacts of intersection improvement projects seriously degraded the setting and appearance of the Monument.
Recently, another intersection project created additional impacts on the Monument, further endangering the pillars and diminishing their historic significance. In response, Boulder Rotary created a Working Group to push for a community-organized solution to restore and protect the Monument. Along with the Colorado Department of Transportation, Boulder County, and a number of other governmental and civic groups, Boulder Rotary is working to develop a mitigation plan to achieve these goals, with the aim of completing the process in the next several months.
Black and white photos courtesy of Boulder Historical Society/Museum of Boulder.