Community Response Forum presented by the Boulder Rotary Club
How to Use This Resource
The intent and purpose of this forum is to connect the Boulder community during the impact of the COVID-19 virus. It is not intended to be a complete resource for medical or news information, though we will attempt to compile a variety of links that could help with these efforts. Ideally, this can serve as a location where needs within our community can be addressed by other members and organizations within our community.
The Boulder Rotary Club agrees with strictly adhering to the recommendations of the experts within the medical and science communities as we keep up-to-date with developing situations. BRC advises to only engage in volunteering and assistance that conforms to these recommendations.
Community Announcements:
Emergency BVSD Food Distribution: BVSD will distribute bags of food containing several meals’ worth of shelf-stable foods along with fresh produce at nine regional sites on Tues, March 17 and Thurs, March 19. Click the image below to download the details in both English and Spanish.
COVID-19 Response Fund Boulder County: Your Community Foundation has established the COVID-19 Response Fund Boulder County, to ensure essential services for community members who find themselves at the intersection of being most vulnerable to the virus and most impacted by inequity. The foundation’s promise is to be a catalyst and to fight inequity by creating systems where all people can thrive. At this critical time, investing in continuing access to care, food, hygiene, shelter, housing and other services for the most vulnerable is important to keeping the entire community healthy. LEARN MORE AND DONATE TODAY >>>
Impact on Education– the Foundation to Boulder Valley Schools: Stay up to date on what we’re doing and how you can help by reading our newsletters, following us on social media and visiting our (newly revamped) website.
Help Colorado Now: The Colorado Office of Emergency Management is opening the Emergency Operations Center on Monday. With that comes a branch that spearheads volunteer efforts. We will be putting out messaging on where people can register to volunteer and we will be reaching out to also direct them to specific places. One area of need is food. Churches are offering to put together boxes and we will match them with organizations in need. Another area we are working on is daycare. With many large centers closing we are hoping church or other organizations might jump in to help families. LEARN MORE >>>
Sister Carmen Community Center: Sister Carmen, a non-religious Family Resource Center, offers critical resources to thousands of individuals and families each year who are in need of emergency supportive services such as food, clothing, utilities, housing assistance, parenting education, and more. DONATE NOW >>>
Mental Health Partners: We recognize it has been a monumental effort for everyone to rapidly adjust to this changing situation and are extremely honored to lead Mental Health Partners (MHP) during this time and be part of the Boulder and Broomfield community. LEARN MORE >>>
Impact on Eduction: Consider donating to the foundation for Boulder Valley School District. LEARN MORE >>>
Boulder Jewish Community Center: Our home every Friday for BRC meetings has assembled a collection of resources to help those in our community who are in need. LEARN MORE >>>
Support the Community. Save the Y: During times of crisis, the Y steps up. We’ve been supporting and strengthening our communities through the good times — and the painfully difficult times — for more than 140 years. Now is no different. We are stepping up for the community, and now we need the community to step up for us. Donate to help us now and long into the future. GIVE NOW >>>
Vocational Service Messages from Local Businesses:
*** Is your business providing a service or helping the community come together in any way? Let us know, and we’ll inlude an announcement.
Spice of Life: If you’re looking to maintain our weekly Rotary experience, consider ordering takeout from the Spice of Life in support of our long-time partners. They are curating a special set of nutritious, comforting meals that will be rotated weekly, offering curbside pick up or providing no-contact delivery right to your door. Click the link below to check out the details and to place your order. LEARN MORE >>>
Stay Connected:
As we all look at an immediate future of forced isolation and self-quarantine, staying connected with others in our community will be vital to our mental wellbeing. Join us for our next scheduled virtual event.
Login to DACdb:
Don’t forget you can stay connected with fellow BRC members through your official, club account. Log in to DACdb to enjoy all the benefits. Don’t know how? Check out the video below.
Submit Your Request for Volunteers
Do you have a community need for volunteers during the COVID-19 pandemic? Let us know by filling out the form below.
Additional Resources